Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Am I the only one that can see these errors (typos)?

In my research for pertinent information, articles for classes, I have found two errors that blow my mind.  The first is in typography and the second is a contest winner with a typo. Think about the ramifications of these errors. Did you see the error as soon as you viewed the image?

http://www.brimmingwith.com/work_illu.php#  (the fifth image in illustrations "happy father's day) or see it on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/brimming/4474773740/#/

Tell me the error.


The Olympics logo I talked about in Illustrator class this morning, so all of you in Illustrator class don't chime in until after someone else identifies the error.

1 comment:

  1. Olympics is spelled wrong. Nice logo though. I did not see the error in Happy Father's Day.

    I wish you would kill the "Share with friends" pop up in your blog.


Suzanne Lambert