DIG2580C Digital Portfolio Welcome Page

Document Design

DIG2580C Digital Portfolio, 401207

Instructor: Professor Suzanne Lambert
Program Manager, Digital Media/Multimedia Technology

This class is completely online.

Faculty Introduction

My bachelor's and master's degrees are in Business Education. I have been teaching at Broward College for 34 years. I began working with PCs when they were first developed, in 1981 (and I am still learning). After finding out what computers could do, I helped develop many of the computer application courses at the college. In addition, I developed and revised the Digital Media/Multimedia Technology A.A.S. degree as well as the Advanced Technical Certificate in Multimedia Web Development. After having extensive training in computer applications, what I do know about learning and computers is that you will be continually learning. What you know today will change almost by tonight. It is an exciting, interesting, and creative field. With this course, you will be creating a print portfolio as well as a PDF portfolio of your work. There is much to learn, so be ready to enjoy and work toward your goals.

Course Description
The student will create a print and PDF portfolio using effective design. In addition, web design elements (graphics, logo, buttons) [or you may substitute another project if you do not have web design skills] will be included in the portfolios. You will prepare portfolios which you can use to showcase your design work for employment.

Methods of Instruction

The class is completely online with no scheduled class meetings. Everything is done online. I am sure you will enjoy the course as much as I do! Classes begin January 6. The official start date for your section of this course is January 10. The course web site will be ready on or before that date. You will not be able to begin the course before January 6. However, you can begin to read Graphic Design Solutions, 4th edition, by Robin Landa. Visit www.designexploration.com, www.delmarlearning.com/graphic_com, and www.adobe.com in order to obtain file downloads and view other items of interest throughout the semester.

You will create your documents with Adobe's Creative Suite CS5. You will be using a combination of Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and possibly Microsoft Word. The software does not come with the book. You may purchase it with an educational discount separately or as a part of the Adobe CS5 Suite. You will not need to install this, if you are using BC's labs. You can purchase educational copies of the software through (BC's bookstore, journeyed.com, adobe.com, softwarehouse.com, and other sources). You will be sending me your assignments in native format (psd., indd., ia., doc., files as well as graphics and other required formats as stated in the assignment). In addition, you will be using Adobe Acrobat for PDFs.

This is a 3-credit hour course. Normally, a three-credit hour course would meet 3 hours each week (during a 16-week term) 48 hours per term. You will be reading the required instructions from the Blackboard course, your book, participating in discussions, and submitting assignments. You must have prior experience with the software in order to complete your portfolio. The focus of the class is the design elements, not learning software.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Develop a print and pdf portfolio to showcase your skills for employment. You will learn how to:

  1. define and develop a design brief.
  2. define the components of a graphic design solution.
  3. recognize the role of concept generation.
  4. examine the basic visual elements of any design solution.
  5. practice the process and phases of designing.
  6. produce solutions for paper, printing, and production
  7. keep an idea and source book.
  8. design with formal elements of design.
  9. define and use color as an element of design.
  10. manipulate graphic and typographic space.
  11. comprehend principles of layout: emphasis, unity, and balance.
  12. define visual identity, brand, and branding.
  13. create elements of a print portfolio.
  14. identify digital design solutions.
  15. create web site design elements (interface and buttons, with identify or logo--not the complete site, just the design of the site (several pages to show buttons and layout)
  16. scan and retouch photographs and other artwork
  17. research and explain portfolio design solutions.
  18. create PDF portfolio from print designs.
  19. output and export documents (to print and PDF)
  20. complete visually appealing and accurate design portfolio.

Course Requirements
Prerequisite: OST1811C, OST2826C, or GRA1131C
Corequisite: None

  • Text: Graphic Design Solutions, 4th edition, by Robin Landa, published by Wadsworth Cengage Learning http://www.cengage.com/search/productOverview.do?N=+16&Ntk=P_Isbn13&Ntt=9780495572817. The book will be available at the bookstore on South Campus or you may order it from any source you choose online. ISBN-10: 0495572810 ISBN-13: 9780495572817 .
  • Buy flash USB drives to save your files (in addition to your hard drives). You are responsible for backing up all files at the end of each lesson. Buy a binder for your print portfolio.
  • There is no student access code, so you will only need to purchase the text, pay the fees for the course, and the online course fees.
  • It is recommended that students go to the website www.designexploration.com, www.delmarlearning.com/graphic_com, and www.adobe.com in order to obtain file downloads and view other items of interest throughout the semester.

You will need access to the Internet (from your home; labs in Bldg. 70, South Campus) when labs are available (see hours posted outside classroom); or LRC labs on each campus.

What will you do in this course?

  1. Complete exercises from your book as assigned.
  2. Participate in online discussions.
  3. Research well-designed documents for portfolio production.
  4. Create print and PDF portfolio to showcase your design work.

Information Contact
If you need more information about this course, you may contact me by:
Email: slambert@broward.edu
Suzanne Lambert, Program Manager
Digital Media/Multimedia Technology
Broward College, South Campus
Building 70, Office R 208
7200 Hollywood/Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
Office Phone: (954) 201-8967

Discussions are available within the Blackboard course. If you have a question, post it there so that other participants or I can answer. If you have a personal question you wish to ask me, send the question to the email listed above. Make sure you place "online ost2825c" in the subject line.

Obtain BC email user ID and PIN code before attempting to login to Blackboard. Click on "ID Lookup" then enter your SS# (or INTL Student ID#) and PIN code (2 digit birth month and 2 digit year). Write down your email ID (not the @broward.edu). That's your Blackboard login. Your Blackboard ID is the same as your BC email user ID. Your Blackboard password is the same as your BC email PIN code. The login is case specific. Please do not change your login or password. Login for fully online students: http://broward6.collegis.com. If you encounter problems, see the "Help!! I can't login to Blackboard" icon at the bottom of the page. There is a 24-hour Helpdesk or at 877-725-4357 (toll free).

How to Register for this Course

To register see: BC's Student Online System. You must pay for the course before you will be able to log into the course.
Always close your browser after working in Blackboard to ensure that no one else has access to your course. BC does not provide hardware support. The dealer or manufacturer of your equipment must handle this.