Thursday, February 9, 2012

Have you Blogged today?

What have you done this week to increase traffic to your site? Have you blogged, tweeted, FB, LinkedIn? Get busy now. Find links that have helped you and share them here. First 5 responses with information get 3 bonus pts. for discussion. Talk me into bonus pts for more than the first 5. See this link to inspire you.
I found this through LinkedIn recommendations.


  1. I tried different sites but I have not had much chance yet. Hopefully, I'll get some help from a friend. Yeah!!!

  2. Good Morning:

    Thank you for your time and I am learning a great deal every week.
    Here is blog addreess:

    I decided to use this because this a learning practise for me and I am not going to publish it righ now. Sevilay Baydir AKA Sev

  3. I was reading the site below. I liked his site he is not only telling his own story but offers step by step blog set uu as well as ideas on how to make money on-line, blogging etc. See if you'll like it.

  4. Sev
    Good for you. I will view this site as well.

  5. I tweeted, blogged, facebooked and linkedin til my fingers bled!

    Then I got a hold of some genius SEO ideas at

    I put bandaids on my fingertips and I'm off to blogland again...

    I have started applying them to my blog as well as at work for the store.
    Thank you for the help!


Suzanne Lambert